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The Storm and the Maiden
Monday, 04 November 2013
Within the Storm @ 16:53 - Link - comments
I am sad for the FallFest to be over - but it was wonderful festival! We had a chance to make a special hat. I was o thrilled to be able to see my cat Ears come to life to complete my cat costume. Plus they are just so fun to wear whenever. We also had a chance to read a story or perform a short act for the deities. I was so nervous I thought I might faint but the excitement kept me going. Our guild event went off wonderfully and I am so grateful to my kin for their help during the event and good cheer and spirit during the festival by passing out tokens to all we could see that needed costumes. I'm also so thankful for our friends for joining us and sharing in merriment and cheer. I tried my best to get to every event possible and I'm sorry for those I missed but there is always next FallFest. I even managed to win a contest and my candle and Malins spider pet will debut next FallFest. Its so far away and I already can not wait.

I was also able to give something to Pallas. I think he liked it but we haven't spoken much these days. It is beginning to feel normal.